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Showing posts from December, 2022

Evernote Clone Using MERN Stack

In this FREE training, let's build an Evernote Clone from scratch using MONGO, EXPRESS, REACT, NODE (MERN Stack). We will be using React Hooks like useEffect, useReducer, useContext, useState and more. For the backend, we will use Nodejs/Express to create our API We will be storing our notes in Mongo. Part 1: HTML/CSS Part 2: NODE/MONGO Part 3: REACT

Whatsapp Clone Using MERN Stack

In this FREE training, let's build a Whatsapp Clone from scratch using MONGO, EXPRESS, REACT, NODE, SOCKET.IO (MERN Stack). Features: 1. Basic chat functionality. 2. Typing indicators. 3. Preview message. 4. Send attachments. 5. Send voice messages. (COOL) We will be using React Hooks like useEffect, useReducer, useContext, useState and more. For a realtime chat, we will use For the backend, we will use Nodejs/Express to create our API. We will be storing our chats in Mongo. And for user activity, we will use Redis. I hope you will enjoy this video and learn something from it. Part 1: HTML/CSS Part 2: LOGIN PAGE DESIGN Part 3: API/SOCKET Part 4: REACT FUNCTIONALITY Clone Using React js and Node js

In this FREE training, let's build a Clone from scratch using REACT, NODE.  Features:  Check your internet speed using this application  I hope you will enjoy this video and learn something from it.

SVG Color Editor

In this FREE training, let's build a SVG COLOR EDITOR APP from scratch using REACT, sass, Ant Design, react-color, immer, color-convert, color-diff, react-copy-to-clipboard, svgson We normally learn concepts, but now it's time to implement it on a real projects. Today, we are going to build an app that allows you to edit svg color and export it in svg and image. Cool right. Its completely ready to deploy app. You can make this and monetize it to earn income also. Like how i am doing. Check out my app. Deployed App - SVG Color Editor - Part 1: HTML | CSS SVG Color Editor -  Part 2: Functionality

Google Meet Clone

In this FREE training, let's build a Google Meet / Zoom Clone from scratch using EXPRESS, REACT, NODE, REDIS. As we know, most of the social and work life moved online and that sparked an evolution in video sharing services like Zoom, Google Meet, and many others. Today, we are going to build an app that allows you to video chat with your friends and colleagues just as well as Zoom or meet does. Part 1: HTML/CSS Google Meet Clone - Part 2: NODEJS Google Meet Clone - Part 3: REACT FUNCTIONALITY